

L'Université de technologie de Troyes propose un poste d'enseignant chercheur en Soutenabilité, conception soutenable, co-conception, section 60.

Type de recrutement
Fin de l'affichage

Dear Colleagues, Chers collègues,

The UTT is looking for an associate professor on design for sustainability, co-design.
Link for the position:

Teaching: The recruited candidate will be responsible for teaching sustainable issues in engineering and master’s degrees.
Participate in ongoing joint ERASMUS+ projects with EUT+ partners such as ETHICO and AesthiCo. Participate in the Erasmus+ project on lowtech- LT4SUSTAIN.

The recruited candidate will fit into a context of interdisciplinary research on crisis and transition and will bring her/his expertise in sustainability. He/she will contribute in an interdisciplinary framework and by getting involved in projects with EUT+ partners and the European Research Institute "Sustainability lab", ECT+ Lab, which is being set up.

The main activities proposed will be:
- Contribution to research activities on sustainability and in particular on topics related to those of the Sustainability lab;
- Contribution to research activities, continuity and development of projects within the InSYTE UR in relation with the EUT+.

Contact: for Research Unit InSyTE : ; for Management :



En Français: pour information les ECC passent en CDI après 3 ans. 

Ci-dessous le lien du profil de poste :

L’enseignement concerne l’ingénierie soutenable et l’implication dans des projets Erasmus + dans le cadre de l’Université de technologie européenne EUT+ (

Le candidat sera associé à l’Unité de recherche InSyTE (, et tout particulièrement la participation aux projets en relation avec les instituts de recherche Européens de l’EUT+ ( Sustainability Lab, ECT Lab, etc). 

N'hésitez pas à diffuser!


Bien cordialement,